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Battle of Scheidlhausen, pt 2

I was able to fight through two more turns.  It has had some fun twists and turns.  On the Bavarian right, their chevau-legeres have thoroughly trounced their Austrian counterparts, despite being outnumbered. 
After turn four

Turn five sees one Austrian hussar regiment retreat and the other is routed.  Both Bavarian units retire behind their lines to reform.
Things are very different in the Bavarian center, however.  The Austrian numerical advantage has been too much for the thinly deployed Bavarian brigade holding the line there.  The supporting 12lb battery destroyed one Austrian battalion only to be flanked by another.  To the left of this disaster, another Bavarian battalion has been routed by a determined Austrian assault.
The Bavarian 12lb battery in the top center of the picture is in serious trouble.

This shot is from behind the Austrian line.  There is now a gaping hole in the Bavarian center.  Some supporting French units can be seen in the top right rushing to try to stem the tide.
Things have been slow to develop on the Austrian right, but that should change dramatically in the next turn.  This is where the bulk of the Austrian corp has been posted with the objective to turn the Bavarian left.  That blow will be delivered on turn six.
Massed Austrian columns are poised to deliver the telling blow against the Bavarian left.
The Austrians have succeeded in their plan to draw off the Bavarian reserves as the French brigade is committed to fill the breach in the center.  The Bavarians have a wood and a stone wall to aid their defense, but numbers should be the ultimate factor on this flank.  I'll let you know what happens.

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