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Amsterdam in One Day

As I mentioned in my New's Years Resolution post, here is my trip about Amsterdam in just one day. It was a tour from a travel agency which was spontaneously planned by my husband and I. I have to tell you, Netherlands is such a beautiful country with beautiful people. It was definitely a really fun trip and I will be back for sure :)


Our first stop was at the Clara Maria Cheese Farm & Clog Factory owned by the most cutest couple Kees-Jan and Katrina. It is is located in Amstelveen in Netherlands which is about 25 minutes away from Amsterdam.

Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs

We first had a traditional Dutch breakfast along with slices of bread, fresh Gouda, jam, fruit, boiled eggs, and not to forget, chocolate sprinkles that you eat on bread - yum .

Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs

When we were finished with breakfast, Katrina showed us how original Gouda cheese is made. They also add different kind of ingredients such as cumin, garlic, Italian herbs, chili, nuts, and many other to give the cheese its special and unique flavor. We were able to taste different kind of Goudas there and I personally loved the one with the cumin in it. It tasted like taco cheese.

Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs

After the cheese demonstration, her husband Kees-Jan led us to a room where he showed us how they manufacture clogs with their antique machines. It was very interesting to see how they started with a block of wood and ended up with a incredible looking clog.  There is so much workmanship behind it. Besides the clogs they create bottle openers, piggy banks, and key rings with clog design which I find really cool.

Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, One Day, Clara Maria Cheese Farm, Clara Maria Clog Factory, Amstelveen, Gouda, Clogs

All in all, it was a really great experience. Before we headed to Amsterdam we had some time to go through their Gift shop to buy some cheese, clogs, and souvenirs. If you really love their Gouda you can order their delicious cheese at their online shop as well.


Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Anne Frank, Anne Frank museum
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Anne Frank, Anne Frank museum

Arrived in Amsterdam, we had 9 hours of free time so we didn't hesitate and started off at the Anne Frank museum. I recommend coming as early as possible because the queue is ridiculouuuuusly long. We waited there for almost 1 hour starting by the Westerkerk Church. You can book your tickets online, but book them as early as possible due to limited availability of tickets.

It was totally worth the visit though. I was walking through the house and it was filled with history. It was so sad to find out what happened to the whole family. When we got back to Germany I decided to buy Anne Frank's diary .


Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Italian, Italian Restaurant, Il Panorama
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Italian, Italian Restaurant, Il Panorama

When we walked through the museum we became hungry. Just a few blocks away and not far from the museum we discovered an Italian Restaurant named Il Panorama. I had the most delicious Hawaiian Pizza and my husband had steak with fresh and outstanding fries. It was such a good choice and definitely recommend this restaurant if you feel like eating Italian in Netherlands.


After a street show by an entertainer at the Dam Square and a short stop at Starbucks to get some hot chocolate with whipped cream, we finally have reached the Stationplein where all the different type of canal cruise organizations are located. We chose to get a sightseeing cruise through the most famous canals of Amsterdam at the I Amsterdam Information Centre.

So in the boat everything started really relaxed until a little child and her irresponsible mother sat across from us. It was an hour ride. I love kids, but this little girl constantly jumped around, cried, yelled, and even threw things around or kicked my leg, and her mother didn't do anything but watch the canals and buildings. She could have at least apologized, but she didn't say A word to us. Now imagine it, this naughty girl did this the whole ride. Other tourists kept looking at her and her mom due to her bad behavior. We couldn't really move, because every seat was taken and talking to her wouldn't make really sense because she couldn't speak English.

But, hey bad things aside, during the ride I really could see so many gorgeous buildings and when it got dark outside you could experience the beautiful lights of the Amsterdam Light Festival.

Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Canal Cruise, I Amsterdam, Stationplein, Amsterdam Light Festival, Red Light District, Erotic Museum
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Canal Cruise, I Amsterdam, Stationplein, Amsterdam Light Festival, Red Light District, Erotic Museum
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Canal Cruise, I Amsterdam, Stationplein, Amsterdam Light Festival, Red Light District, Erotic Museum
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Canal Cruise, I Amsterdam, Stationplein, Amsterdam Light Festival, Red Light District, Erotic Museum
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Canal Cruise, I Amsterdam, Stationplein, Amsterdam Light Festival, Red Light District, Erotic Museum
Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Canal Cruise, I Amsterdam, Stationplein, Amsterdam Light Festival, Red Light District, Erotic Museum


Finally arrived at the Stationplein it went straight to the Red Light District.  It was a fun experience. Beautiful looking prostitutes in windows waiting for a client and they had lots of sex shops or clubs. I know my husband enjoyed seeing the prostitutes.... lol. Taking pictures of them is not allowed though. We visited the Erotic museum. You were allowed to take pictures there. Maybe next time I just show you a picture of the district by day light. I do have some pictures, but these are the dirty ones :D


Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Christmas Market, Rembrandtplein, Churros

Rembrandtplein was our last spot before departure. They had a Christmas Market going on with mouthwatering sweets. My husband and I bought some delicious Churros with Nutella sauce on top. They were unbelievably good! The chocolate sauce was really on point! I will never forget this Churro stand or I may try out myself making them at home.

Amsterdam in One Day, Travel, Amsterdam, Christmas Market, Rembrandtplein, Churros


And then we went home. The day went over soooooo fast. There was so much to see and experience in just one day. I totally loved it. Hopefully it goes back to Netherlands again this year.

Have you ever been to Netherlands or do you come from there?
What are your favorite spots there?

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