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From the archives...

Picture it. Tuesday morning at a local community college library. A student has recently set off the alarm because of some DVDs he had in his backpack from another library. I go to help a student find some books on "obayzity" or obesity, as I have always known it. The alarm goes off again but nobody is at the circulation desk to see who set it off. After giving it some thought and hearing that the perpetrator was wearing a red shirt, I realized that the person in question was DVD Boy. About 20 minutes go by and suddenly a student approaches you and pushes a note across the desk. "Oh crap," you think, "if he wants money from me, hopefully he considers gum to be legal tender." But no, this note details the DVD Boy, describing him as an "Abnormal looking American boy" and detailing where he will be sitting at this very moment in time in a classroom down the hall. By golly we had a sleuth on our hands! That note made the past 2 years of library school worth it.

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