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The new scarf is everything I love

 I am becoming obsessed with stick on jewels, bindis and hair buns. However the thing I am more obsessed with is my new Zara scarf. It's a blanket scarf and I haven't really taken it off since I got it last week.
Thank god I have it because its been colder then Anna Wintour this week. (Sorry Anna) So once I traipsed back home from the station in the snow on Tuesday night, I was really glad to have a warm neck!
I am really happy with how the Indie Show is going. I'm really obsessive about my music and glad that I have an audience of super involved listeners who like to text in and comment on the music. So far, so positive!

So the Indie Show is back to it's normal time again next week at 11-1am on URN. Tune in and give us some love.
It's going to be an interesting show as I am currently DYING with the flu.

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