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That's So 70s: Christmas Time is Sweater Time!

Sweaters.  Nothing says Christmas time more or is more Chirstmasy than the always popular and always appreciated sweaters.  And when those Christmas catalogs hit the mailboxes, you just knew that not only was it toy time for the kiddos, but it was sweater time for everyone!

And naturally any respectable Christmas sweater has to have a campy Christmas theme like the reindeer.  However, I noticed that Kathy seemed to go for a more subdues theme....

 Not bad, with a hint of Christmas colors....

Hold the jewelry!!  What every women REALLY wants for Christmas is a sweater (please note your humble blogger takes no responsibility for any fallout should you happen to follow this advice!)

Hey, this is supposed to be a Christmas themed post on sweaters.  These look more appropriate for St. Patrick's Day!  And we apparently have a model somewhere that is missing her feet!

Okay, we found the missing model, decked out in a Christmas green sweater!

Okay, okay, this is plainly getting ridiculous!  Enough with the green sweaters!!!

And beware what you ask for.  Instead of green, now we have pink which Wendy, Kay, and Cay look great, I can't say that pink is exactly in the Christmas spirit.

Okay, okay, okay, I get it.  First we went on a green sweater spree and now we've moved on to pink. However, that doesn't exactly look like a sweater to me.

 Well apparently they are "lace trimmed" sweaters so I guess they count.

Pam, Karen, and Kathy turn on the cute in these classic sweaters...

 More sweaters.  Say this is getting a little monotonous.  Where is that 70s grooviness that we've come to know and expect from our 70s catalogs?!?

Even the "Sweater-Skirts" are fairly tame.  I'm looking for a little more pizzazz.

Not bad, but where's the Christmas spirit?  All of these 70s Christmas catalog sweaters seem a little disappointingly lame to me.  I guess sweaters are one of those items that are timeless, even in the 70s.
That's a little better.  Sweaters that have that special 70s earth tone theme.  Still, I expected more 70s zaniness......

Ahhh, that's much, MUCH better.  Now I'm in the Christmas mood ready to buy sweaters for the whole family (I can hardly wait to see the surprised look in their eyes on Christmas morning!)  All I can say is "That's Sooooo 70s!"

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