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Lyanka Gryu revealed the secret of her beauty

Lyanka Gryu today marks 26 years, and on this occasion the magazine "7 Days" actress questioned about how she takes care of herself and maintains its beauty. Lyanka basic recipe is simple: "Beauty - a combination of inner peace, harmony, good mood, healthy, well-groomed body, kindness and inner youth ...".

Lyanka Gryu revealed the secret of her beauty

The actress not his ideal of feminine beauty - there are women who admire her his charisma: Sophia Loren, Vivien Leigh, Maya Plisetskaya, Sophie Marceau. Of course, one can not do charisma - you need to constantly keep fit. Lyanka now participates in the show "Ice Age", and daily hours of training have an effect. "I am very tightened for these couple of months, lose a few pounds. And in connection with such amount of effort and I start to eat more properly balanced, taking vitamins, and more attention to amaze regime sleep. It's all beneficial and the appearance, and mood. "

Lyanka adheres to a strict system to care for themselves. "I try to thoroughly cleanse the skin, nourish, moisturize, have not yet found an indispensable universal tool, so try different. My hair is mostly professional shampoos for curly hair, always use a mask, and after - soft spray or butter. I believe that hair should be protected ".

Relax actress helps silence. "I like to go to massages, and now, when such a serious exercise - it's just a doctor's appointment. Good music, a cup of hot tea, a book - it's all pleasant things that help defer fuss. Sometimes my husband and I can go to the mall and just chat in a restaurant, go to the movies, buy each other gifts ".

All those who doubt themselves, Lyanka gives simple advice:" Be honest with me, write down on a piece of paper all the shortcomings that you hesitate. Dry brittle hair? Unhealthy skin? Overweight? Look at them carefully and ask yourself the question "How can I fix it?". Change the position of the victim to the position of women! It's a big responsibility to pull myself together, but it is, believe me, gives results! When you see the admiring glances, then feel victorious. Everything is possible, you only need to act! "

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