Get a group of girls in a room and the talk will almost always turn to fashion.....last night the discussion took an interesting twist as we discussed - our first.... in terms of fashion. This means that we discussed the first pair of shoes we bought, our first luxury item, our first lipstick, etc.... It really got me thinking!
So here are the stories....
MY FIRST.....pair of high heels.
I'm not sure why I bought them but it was during a time in my life where I was trying to stop buying clothes that suited the gangly teenager I was and start buying clothes for the twenty year old I wanted to be. I bought a lot of things that I wouldn't touch back then! So the shoes, I am presuming - were cheap because I didn't want to spend a fortune on something I wouldn't use. That turned out to be complete stupidity because I took to wearing heels very well and realised that if I had spent more money on them then they would be better quality and less likely to break on me! They were a metallic blue, had three straps around the foot and ankle and a spiky silver heel - which was the bit I liked the most. I am fairly sure they were modelled on (basically a knock off of) jimmy Choos which were around then. They eventually bit the dust when the heels wore out and I binned them.
MY FIRST......Expensive purchase that I didn't really need
Like buying a car or a laptop is expensive but there are those times in your life where you buy utter shit just because, you can. This happened about two years ago when I was on crazy money. I didn't plan it, nor had I fallen for the bag in any massive way but I walked into Harvey Nichols and I bought an Alexander McQueen dress and a Vivienne Westwood bag. In one go. I wont tell you how much it was but you can imagine. I walked out of the shop and sat having a borderline panic attack by the fountain. To my credit, I have kept and worn both but I need to have the bag dry cleaned! I've never spent such mental money on anything like that again. I really haven't. I don't know if I could - there are just too many practical things I need right now! Still, for those five minutes - it felt goooooood!
MY FIRST.....Lipstick
I remember this - I grew up in a house where cosmetics weren't really a thing. They were around but not really anything we were bothered by. When I discovered cosmetics I felt I really should buy something. I went for lipstick since it's easy to apply, I knew what to do with it and quite frankly - it was the easiest thing to hide from my mother! So I reached for red. Not just a mild red but the sort of red I wear now aged 27!
I just didn't realise that it wasn't age appropriate! I was about ten at the time. Needless to say, my mother found the lipstick and took it off me. But funny...when I look back, I suddenly realise - I've been wearing red lipstick since I was 21 - almost everyday and its my go to color. Hmmmm.....
Anyone got any stories for me about their firsts?
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